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Natural Blood Pressure Control by breathing.Posted by Andrew Weil, M.D.on Thu, Jul 26, 2007, 4:19 pm
PDTHypertension (high blood pressure) is the most common form of cardiovascular disease in the United States , affecting nearly one in three adults.High blood pressure is a threat because it makes the heart work harder, increasing its oxygen demands and contributing to angina (chest pain related to heart disease).
Unchecked, high blood pressure increases the risk of heart attacks, stroke and kidney disease.Some people can lower and control their blood pressure with healthy lifestyle measures - losing weight if necessary (even a 10 percent weight loss might do the trick), quitting smoking if that's an issue, limiting intake of caffeine (in coffee, tea and sodas) and alcohol, all of which can contribute to the problem, as well as cutting back on salt (processed foods are the biggest sources of sodium in today's Western diet) and practicing relaxation methods.
The last of these may be the most important, yet doctors often fail to emphasize the importance of learning how to relax the involuntary nervous system, which controls the tone of blood vessels. Meditation, yoga, breathing exercises, and biofeedback training can all help. I recommend checking out a simple device called RESPERATE (www.resperate. com) that teaches you to lower your blood pressure by changing your breathing patterns.If you have high blood pressure and have made and are maintaining these lifestyle changes, you might then try to cut down on your blood pressure medication.
Do so gradually, and be sure to monitor your pressure at home - at least 2-3 times a day, both when you are calm and when you are not -to make sure that it doesn't start to rise. If it does, you'll have to return to the usual dosage of your medication. It would be best to make these changes under the supervision of your physician so you will not be alone in your efforts.
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di antara kaedah pernafasan yang membantu menurunkan tekanan darah ialah 1.teknik exhale ( hembus nafas) lebih panjang ( lebih lama)dari teknik inhale ( tarik nafas). Kesan langsung darah mengalir ke bahagian arteri peripheral ( salur darah kecil)2.mengatur tarik-hembus nafas secara teratur, sengaja dan sedar selama 10 minit atau lebih.
Testimoni dari pengamal2 teknik betul bernafas ini bukan shj dapat mengawal tekanan darah tinggi, malah byk lagi penyakit lain blh di kawal.( sila lawati : atau taip perkataan breathing di engine yahoo, google,msn dlll)Sebenarnya teknik ini mudah diamalkan ketika solat dan ketika membaca Al Qur'an:
1. ketika membaca sebenarnya kita sedang menghembuskan nafas.
2..ketika kita memulakan bacaan dlm solat ( doa iftitah, fatihah, bacaan surah,tasbih rukuk-sujud, tahiyat) , amalkan menarik nafas dan terus membaca secara perlahan dan jelas sebutan sehingga habis setiap ayat kemudian menarik nafas semula sebelum membaca ayat berikutnya
3. apabila membaca satu demi satu bacaan, sebenarnya kita sedang tertib mengatur pernafasan
4. Begitu juga semasa tilawah al Qur'an, tariklah nafas secara dalam, dan baca secara jelas sebutan ( boleh baca laju / lambat) dan dibaca sehingga habis pernafasan kita.
Jika mampu membaca ayat lebih panjang, bermakna exhale ( hembusan nafas) akan lebih lama dari inhale tadi. Tentunya semakin lama kita membaca, 1 hizib atau 1 juzuk terus, yang mengambil masa kira-kira 40-45 minit pd setiap hari, ketahuilah kita sedang mengatur pernafasan kita.Secara biologinya kita sudah mengatur teknik bernafas semasa solat dan bertilawah, apalagi jiwa tenang menghadap Allah, berdoa dalam solat, spt doa kesihatan yang baik semasa duduk antara dua sujud dan tenang membaca wahyu-wahyuNya.
Benarlah Solat itu sebagai TERAPI, terapi biologi dan terapi spiritual,Dan benarlah firman Allah, alMukminun 1-2, Sesungguhnya pasti beruntung bagi orang mukmin , iaitu SOLAT MEREKA YANG KHUSYUK